Scripture says that Jesus died for us. Sin destroyed mankind’s relationship, fellowship, and image with God. Jesus dies so the Father could fulfill his plans, and purposes, in the world. Plans and purposes devised, designed, and intended before anything else was created.
The Father intended to have a relationship with every person ever born. He intended to have fellowship with every person ever born. Jesus paid the admission fee into God’s family for everyone. We need to go get the ticket that is already waiting for us.
And when we choose to follow Jesus, we being the lifelong process of restoring our relationship, fellowship and image with God. Not only are we supposed to “look” like Jesus – thinking , speaking, and acting like Jesus. We are also supposed to have the same relationship Jesus had with the Father, when he was in the world. We are supposed to have the same fellowship. We are supposed to have:
- The same connection;
- The same awareness of the Father and the Spirit;
- The same grasp of the Father’s heart;
- The same “eyes” to see what the Father’s sees;
- The same “ears” to hear what the Father hears;
- The same “voice” to speak what the Father speaks, and pray what the Father prays;
- The same closeness.
The Father intends to restore all of this.