Jesus' mission in the world had two parts. First, he came as the bridge for people to gain access to God. He built the bridge, when he died on the cross.
Second, he came as the model for what life was intended to be like for a person to truly walk with God.
There is a story about Jesus, which began with the Spirit leading him out into the wilderness.
God's children live their lives hearing his voice, and going, or doing, what it says. The Father is always speaking to his children. He will not speak to lead any of his children astray. We can trust him, when he speaks.
So, it seemed a little strange to me, that the Sirit was leading Jesus into the wilderness, to be tempted by the devil.
Each child of God will be led by God's voice. And each child of God will be confronted by temptation. And God felt it was important for Jesus to give us all a demonstration of how to deal with temptation.
Jesus had just completed a forty day fast. He was physically, and probably mentally, fatigued.
The devil came to him, and attacked Jesus' physically, mental, and spiritual needs. And Jesus responded each time: "It is written."
So, not only was Jesus familiar with the voice of his Father, but he was also familiar with the written message from his Father. So, in dealing with temptation, he reminded the devil of his Father's standards.
But it is not enough to know the Father's words. One has to obey the Father's words. Knowing is important. Saying, and reviewing, is important. But it is doing that makes what is known, and said, a part of life. It is doing that brings the power of the Spirit into you actions. It is doing that trains your thinking, speaking and acting back into alignment with God's design.
But there is not one correct way of doing what God requires. For Jesus, it was sufficient to review with the devil what God's standards were. So, perhaps to stand against temptation it is sufficient to recite God's word. Recitation may position God's heart to walk rightly. But perhaps one needs to position the whole person. If one is tempted to indulge an addictive behavior, perhaps one should move away from the places of addiction. (Like an alcoholic should not stand in a bar. Maybe he should move several miles away.)
I do not believe that there is a formula for everyone to walk with God. We do need to know his standards. We need to hear his voice, and practice what he says. But as God has given each one a unique place, we also have a unique way to walk in it.