In one of Paul's letters, he commends a particular church for its love. He writes that God has supernaturally taught this church how to love.
Right from the beginning of their introduction to Jesus, they began to be patient, to act with kindness, and to not regard anyone as lower, unequal, or with less value, or worth.
Another passage says that right before Jesus returns, people will love less. and less. There will be less patience. There will be less kindness. There will more regarding others as lower, unequal, and with less worth.
Sounds a lot like today.
Scripture says that when someone gives their allegiance to Jesus, God gives them a guarantee that they belong to his family, that they have established a new relationship with him, and all his promises of an inheritance, and new life, belong to them. That guarantee is the Holy spirit living, abiding, and staying in the core of their being.
Moreover, the Holy spirit begins to express himself in, and through, the life of his new child. Because sin, false ideas, and perspectives, block the Spirit's efforts, his expression is imperfect. Be he has begun the process of dismantling the barriers to expressing himself fully through his children.
The first, and foremost, expression of God's spirit is love. Therefore, it should be the first, and foremost, expression of his children. Francis Schaeffer wrote that love is the mark of the Christian.
More than a stand for a particular social issue, more than support for a particular political party, more than going to church, more that tithing, fasting, and reading the Bible, God's family should be known for their love. That doesn't mean the church doesn't tithe, fast, or read the Bible. That doesn't mean the church doesn't vote. That doesn't mean the church agrees with everything the government, society, or culture does.
It does mean that they way the church treats people, talks about people, and interacts with people, is fully infused with love.
It does mean that any solution, to any problem supported by the church, must be fully, and completely, motivated by love, and carried out with love.
The statement that should speak loudest to his family today is his command to love people, who are enemies of Jesus, and his people. Show patience, kindness, and service to those who hate Jesus, and the church, the most.
It is a radical lifestyle that no other religion, or philosophy, is called to. Many are called to peace. None are called to actively pursue the good of those who hate, and are against them.
Image passing out cold drinks at a white supremacist parade. Imagine cleaning graffiti off a mosque, or an abortion clinic. Imagine providing a home, and support, for pregnant teens, or drug addicts.
Will this turn their lives around? Will they choose to follow Jesus? Maybe. Maybe not. Jesus served, and died, for everyone, as an expression of God's love for everyone. He died for the Jews, who turned him over to Pilate. He died for the Roman soldiers, who beat, and crucified him. He died for the 9/11 suicide bombers. He died for everyone who got an abortion. He died for the Nazis. And if any of those chose to give him their allegiance, then they too would have new life, be given his Spirit, become part of his family, and his eternal presence.
And we, his children, are called to live, and love, like him.