Friday, December 27, 2019

Continuing to Fall

After  the Fall, Scripture continues wit the story of God, man, and God’s work to reclaim, and rebuild, is family.

Mankind chose to walk away from God’s way. And the world broke. And mankind continued to walk away from God. So, the world grew darker. Violence increased and expanded.

Scripture says God looked at the state of the world, and found virtually everything was bad. The only place he found any good was in a man named Noah.

Noah found favor, because he continued to seek relationship with God. Mankind still has the power to choose. Though, polluted, and broken, we can choose to move God’s way, and walk with him, even if we stumble, and stub our toes the whole way.

So, with the possibility of God’s family, and God’s way, being wiped out in a flood of brokenness, and rebellion, God decides that a cleansing, and a reboot, are in order.

So, thousands of miles from the sea, God tells Noah to build a boat. A really big boat.

“Hey, Noah! Wotcha building?”

“You’re building a what?!?!”

Scripture says it took Noah 120 years to build this boat. And each day, he was given the opportunity to explain what he was doing, and why. And each day:
  • People though Noah was crazy.
  • They rejected what he said.
  • They ignored God, and what he said.
  • And maybe, they even liked the way things were.

But no one joined Noah. No one agreed things were bad. No one chose to walk God’s way.

So, when the boat was finished, God sent a pair of every kind of animal. And they went into he boat. Then, Noah and his family went into the boat. And God sealed them in safely.

Then, God sent torrential rains which flooded the earth, and destroyed all life … except for what was preserved in the boat.

God reveals his heart in this story. His heart is for preservation. His heart is for people to live out their design, in relationship with him, and other people.

And God spent a lifetime – 120 years – trying to persuade people to change what they followed. He is patient. He is persistent.

And man reveals his heart in this story. Some will realize God’s design is best. And some will pursue that design, which will mean choosing allegiance to him.

And some, even in the face of disaster, and decaying circumstances, will continue to pursue their own way. Which does not work.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Fall

Of course, things did not stay perfect. One look at the world should convince everyone of that.

The serpent came to the woman, and asked: “Did God really say?” In reality, he calls God a liar. He is saying God is not trustworthy.

The woman listens. And the man does nothing. The woman is convinced, and breaks God’s one, and only, law. And the man listens. And he breaks God’s one, and only, law.

And everything changes. And everything breaks.

God finds out, and brings it to the man and the woman. And they push the blame elsewhere.

All that is bad, broken, or corrupt, follows from this law breaking. And the brokenness pervades all creation.

Relationships are strained. Men and women strive for control. (With men prevailing, because of greater physical strength.) Natural functions, and processes, become difficult and painful.

The fuels of life are still necessary, but no longer satisfy. Because of the labor needed to produce, the physical fuels are less effective. Because of broken relationships, the spiritual fuels are polluted, and therefore, less fulfilling. Community is broken. And the primary relationship between Father and his children is broken. We can see some health, and wholeness, in people, because there is still love, beauty, and community. But these things are polluted. They can only be purified by our relationship with Father. And as it is broken, all other spiritual fuels ae less effective.

The only ray of hope is a sort of obscure promise God gives, that the woman’s offspring will crush the head of the serpent, even though he will be bitten in return.

Monday, December 09, 2019


God created the universe. The bible says he created part of creation, each day, over several days. He could have created everything at once. But following this process, he established a pattern of work, and rest, within creation.

And God created everything good. “Good” encompasses a lot of things. God made creation pleasing to the senses. Of excellent quality. Beneficial in effect. God is not just a creator. He is a brilliant engineer, a master planner, and a master artist. What he creates provides for the body, the mind, and the soul. And creation perfectly takes care of, and sustains, itself.

Creation was a perfect place. It had all that men needed, or wanted.

On the last day of work, God created man. Then, he created a garden, and put man in it. He put man into a perfect environment. It not only satisfied their physical needs, it satisfied the needs of their inner man. There were physical fuels. And there were spiritual fuels.

In order for people to function optimally, the need both physical and spiritual fuels. The need sufficient protein, vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. The also need sufficient love, purpose, beauty, community, and meaning.

And the garden had sufficient supply to feed the body. And it had beauty. There was meaningful work in caring for the garden. There was community: first with the Father, and then, with other people. Love, and meaning, came with that community.

Mankind had all that it needed, physically and spiritually. Creation was perfect.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Vine

The last message is: “I am the vine.” Jesus sets up a metaphor that compares God’s family to a vineyard, specifically a grape vine.

Jesus himself is the vine. And all God’s children are branches off the vine. And the purpose of God’s children or the purpose of the branches is to produce fruit.

The fruit is connected to the branches. The branches are connected to the vine. And all are connected to the root. It is this connection that provides everything a branch needs to thrive, to grow, and to produce fruit.

So, what is fruit? One way to define fruit is: Effects of the Holy Spirit, and God’s love, flowing through people. Another way is: Anything you can think of that you can say “this is what God wants.”

Does God want a bigger family? Does God want children who are whole? Physically? Emotionally? Psychologically? Spiritually? Does God want love, and peace, between people? Locally? Globally? Did God create a perfect environment, so people would have something to mess up?

If you are a child of God, you are a branch on the vine. If you are a branch, you are supposed to bear fruit. And according to this passage, the key to having the Spirit, and love, of the Father  flow through you to produce what God wants, is connection.

Part of connection is the Spirit of God making his home in a person’s inner core. But, lifetime patterns of sin blocks, distorts, or filters out God’s Spirit. God’s love is polluted by our sin. God makes his home, by his spirit, in our lives, as his guarantee that we are members of his family. One goal of God’s children is to allow the Spirit to flow from our lives freely, and purely.

So, God made the initial connection, when we gave him our allegiance. How do we maintain that connection? Sometimes, we need to renew, or refresh, that connection. How do we do that?

Restoring, refreshing, or enhancing our connection with Father should be continual, and on-going. Followers of Jesus have traditionally prescribed a daily reset. Prayer, reading, and meditating on, Scripture are the center of this reset. Some people practice personal worship. Each step of these spiritual disciplines should be one more pin hole in a person’s sin life, allowing Father’s Spirit, love, and grace, to flow into the world.

Scripture encourages continual prayer. Which highlights the importance of maintaining connection, and regular resets during the day. And something God will use different experiences to also poke holes in the sin life.

It seems a little counter-intuitive. The effect of God’s family in the world is not related to how much time, money, work and energy are expended. (Though the reality of the connection will be demonstrated through those areas.) It is related to our connection to God, and how freely we let him flow through us.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Jesus, and his disciples, are out in the country. A man comes with a message. One of Jesus’ friends was really sick. The man, and his family, know that Jesus loves, and can heal his friend. They know Jesus loves all people. So, Jesus camps out, right where he is, for the next four days. (Which does not seem to show concern.)

After the four days is over, Jesus announces that they need to return to this friend’s city, because he has died.

And when they arrive at the city, he meets separately with the man’s two sisters. They both lament the fact, that if Jesus had been there, their brother would still be alive.

He tells one sister that her brother will rise, and live again. She agrees, that at the end of time, when all rise, he will live again. And Jesus gives his message: “I am the Resurrection.”

And to prove his point, although the man has been dead four days, decomposition well under way, sinking to high, high heaven, Jesus has the stone, sealing the man’s tomb, rolled away. After briefly thanking Father, he calls the four-days dead, and rotting, man to come out of the tomb. And he does.

God has the power of life, and death. He has focused our experience of life to move through our relationship with a particular man. And through that man, our relationship with God himself.

Life is not about miracles, and power. It is about a love relationship with the Father of the universe. And all of these other things, are about fostering, and promoting, that relationship.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Gatekeeper, and The Good Shepherd

Next, Jesus finds a man, who was born blind. Now, there was a common belief, that everything that happens to someone is from God. Bad stuff happens, God is mad at you. Good stuff happens, God is pleased with you. So, the disciples ask: Is God mad at this man for something he did? (Which is hard to understand, because whatever it was happened before he was born.) Or, is God mad at the man’s parents? (Which doesn’t seem fair, punishing the man for something the parents did.)

Jesus says: Neither. Rather it was so God’s glory could be seen.

So, Jesus heals the man’s eyes; and he again made the “mistake” of healing on the Sabbath. After a big fight between the Pharisees, and the former blind man, he gives his allegiance to Jesus.

And Jesus proclaims: I cam into the world to give sight to the (spiritually) blind. And to demonstrate to one’s who think they (spiritually) see, that they really don’t get it.

And, of course, some Pharisees, who know the system and, therefore, “truly,” and “fully,” understand God’s heart, and God’s desire were listening. And they asked Jesus: You mean us?

So, Jesus began comparing his family with a flock of sheep. Sheep were kept in a fenced area, of sheepfold. There is a gate. The gate is the correct, and proper way for the sheep, and the shepherd, to enter, and exit, the sheepfold.

Thieves don’t come through the gate. Shepherds come through the gate. The shepherd knows his sheep personally. The sheep know the shepherd personally.

The sheepfold becomes a metaphor of God’s family, and God’s kingdom. Sin means there is no legitimate way into God’s family, that we can provide for ourselves. We need someone to open the gate for us. We come to the gate. The gatekeeper knows us. He calls us. And he opens the gate for us.

But the sheep are not just in the sheepfold. They go out to pasture. God’s people are not just in god’s family. They go out into the world. But they don’t go alone. The shepherd goes with them. He goes into the sheepfold, calls his sheep, and brings them out. He finds the best grass for them. He finds abundant water. He protects them from predators, and thieves.

(NOTE: We all know people who have suffered. They have been beaten, and stolen from. This short paragraph can, by no means, respond to the question: Why does bad stuff happen? The factors are too numerous, The connections are too complex. Like all people, I would love a 10-word sentence, that would fully, and completely, explain evil. I don’t think that is possible though. I do think that God’s heart is for abundance, peace, and rest for his people. Peace, and rest, usually means no thieves, or predators.)

It is the presence, and the active involvement, of the shepherd, that leads to the abundance, and rest, of the sheep. And the sheep need to keep contact with, and connected to, the shepherd. They will have no rest, or provision, if they wander away.

Like the shepherd, who puts his life on the line to protect the sheep, Jesus gave his life, so the sheep are granted access to the sheepfold. So, mankind can be included in his family, as they give him allegiance. Without Jesus choosing to lay down his life, we have nothing.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Light of the World

It is time for the Feast of Booths, and Jesus goes to Jerusalem for the Feast. And while in Jerusalem, he gives a series of messages.

And, after outlining how each “I am” message is combined with a miracle, it seems like this message has no associated miracle. But, a closer look reveals that the connected miracle happened the last time Jesus was in Jerusalem, before he fed the 5000.

There was a pool in Jerusalem, around which sick people would gather. It was said that when the water was stirred up, or agitated, that it was caused by an angel. The first person to get into the pool, when the stirring began, would be healed.

So, when Jesus passed by the pool, he found a man, who was crippled, and wanted to get healed. But, because he was crippled, when the water was stirred, he could not move fast enough to be first. So, Jesus healed him, instead.

The problem, however, was that it was the Sabbath. People aren’t supposed to work on the Sabbath. And, apparently, performing miraculous healings is work.

We have discussed here, the system the Jews devised to ensure obedience to the Law. Keep the system, and one keeps the Law, they reasoned.

But only God can enable the blind to see, or the crippled to walk. How can someone not keep the system, but find favor with God? (Who should be angry with someone, because he’s not keeping the system.) So, the Jewish leaders stalked, and spied on Jesus. They looked for, and even tried to invent, things that would discredit him.

The message was a simple proclamation. If you are in the dark, you can’t know the way to go. But, if you follow Jesus, he will provide light – he is light – and we can see the way to life.

If we follow Jesus, we can see how to live, how to be restored to correct relationship to Father, and how to connect to people in god-honoring ways, which boil down to love.

And we don’t need to keep score on how well we keep the system. Because God doesn’t keep score. He knows we will automatically lose.

And the Jews, who worked hard at keeping the system, automatically lost. Because no system is complete, thorough, or good enough. And it blinded them to God’s #1 concern: love.

Monday, October 07, 2019

Bread of Life

In one of Jesus’ biographies, the writer organizes the story around seven miracles, and seven associated messages. In each of these particular messages, Jesus begins with “I am something.” He arranged the story this way, with the intention that the combination would amplify the individual parts.

The first message followed Jesus feeding the 5000. Jesus was speaking to a large crowd, for a long time. After several hours, it was time for a break. And everybody was hungry. Apparently, there were no restaurants or stores nearby. Only one boy’s lunch. So, Jesus borrowed the lunch, and multiplied it enough to feed 15000 people. (Estimate based on an equal number of women and children to the counted number of men.) And not only was there enough to feed everyone, but there were a lot of leftovers.

Of course, the people thought that was great. They said: “Let’s put Jesus in charge, and nobody will need to work.” It was not that Jesus was against providing what people needed. But, there was something that people were missing. Something they needed, at least as much as food. From God’s perspective, it was vital. And it was Jesus’ mission to provide that something. So, he left.

And when the people found him again, he flat out told them, they were more interested in their stomachs, than their hearts, and their relationship with God. So, they asked what seemed to be the next logical question: “What does God want us to do?” And Jesus answered: “Follow the one God sent.”

They knew he was referring to himself. So, they asked him to do a miracle to verify that he was from God. (Remember: they had just watched him feed thousands of people with food intended to feed one person.) And they referred to God’s provision of Manna, to feed Israel in the desert.

So, Jesus redirects their attention to God’s provision for the sin of the world, and a restored relationship between God and people. And, because they used God providing bread to meet physical needs, he says, “I am the bread of life.”

I am God’s provision to satisfy God’s justice. I am the way to restore relationship with God, to become part of his family, to begin restoration of God’s original design for people, to become the home of God’s Spirit, and to have the record of our sin — past, present, and future — be erased, and the penalty paid for. I am the way back to life as God created it to be.

The people were bothered by what he said, to say the least. They did not understand how to apply the metaphor. And they knew Jesus, his background, and where he was from physically. The knew about God’s Messiah, but they had a pre-conception of what that meant, and how it would work.

Jesus was completing his mission. He was ultimately going to die for mankind’s sin. But first, he would testify to, and demonstrate, God’s plan.

One lesson we could draw from this is: if the sinless Son of God could be misunderstood, rejected, and hated, we can be also. If the one who perfectly loved, and perfectly testified about God’s plan, was reject, and despised, what are the odds we will be too?

Monday, September 23, 2019

Love is Job #1

Scripture is filled with stories of miracles, healings, and supernatural power of all sorts. Yet, as amazing, dynamic, and powerful as these stories are, it is not Scriptures, and, therefore, God’s — Father, Son, and Spirit — first, and foremost, focus and priority.


Love is God’s foremost focus, and priority. Scripture call love the greatest. It says love should be practiced above all, and first of all. Supernatural power is temporary; love is eternal. Scripture says that God has power. That he does miracles. But it says that God is love. Scripture says that prophecy, and miracles, are worthless, and meaningless, unless they are expressed through, and undergirded by, love.


Paul prays for one church’s love. He has already praised God, and them, for their love. No, he prays for its increase … toward one another, and all people.


Love require a change in one’s heart. It becomes stronger. Its motives, priorities, and responses, become more godly, holy, and blameless.


If we are taking on God’s nature more as we grow, we must take on love.

Trust God's Way

There is a passage of Scripture that I will paraphrase:

- trust God
- don't rely on what you know
- obey him always
- knowing where to go, and what to do, will be easy

Many describe this passage as their favorite. They try to follow it, and use it, as their motto for living. And I am not saying they don't. I am commenting on the fact that most, maybe all followers of Jesus trust God, when times are good. But when times are difficult, or confusing, they tend to rely on what they know.

The urge to follow "human wisdom" gets especially strong when God instructs us to do something crazy. Like love your enemies, forgive those who hurt you, or pray blessing for those who persecute you.

In a world, that is becoming increasingly against God, Jesus, the Spirit, the gospel, and God's family, it is becoming increasingly more important for God's family to follow God more closely. Christian leaders have, in the past, made calls for greater political activism. I am not suggesting we shouldn't vote, or hold million man marches. But maybe those who trust God should be organizing prayer meetings, that: invite God's Spirit into our political processes, walk in the lives of our leaders, even our enemies), and pray for love to those inclined to gun violence.

Maybe God's family needs to seek ways to love the homeless, those seeking abortions, and minorities of all sorts.

And maybe instead of filtering money through Christian para-church organizations, as good as they may be, we need to be like Jesus and hug lepers, mad men, and prostitutes. In other words, maybe each one of us needs to get our hands dirty in some way.

Jesus, who was without sin, who trusted God the most, whose prayers reached God the most, who loved best, was slandered, reviled, and accused. Can we expect less?

Paul considered floggings, stoning, prison, and shipwrecks as "momentary light affliction." Maybe we need an attitude adjustment.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Prayer: Important for the Mission

In many of his letters, Paul urges God's family to pursue prayer. To be persistent, tenacious, and steadfast.

Prayer expresses our dependence on God. It is a cry for help, because in the roots of where the greatest changes are needed -- the hearts of men -- people are unable to act, or speak, and have any real effect. It is Father who has power over hearts. And we need to invite him into situations. He could kick down any door he wished, but he waits for an invitation. Our prayers become open doors. We give room for him to act.

Jesus told us to pray for workers in the harvest. Paul asked for prayer for opportunities to clearly proclaim the gospel. We are God's partners in his mission. And he does want our participation in gospel proclamation. But, as important as our open mouths, it is equally important to focus our hearts for change, softening, and openness, in other's hearts. It is important to pray for God's preparation for people to receive, and God's children to recognize, and act, on opportunities.

God's Kingdom is expanding, and taking ground. We need the Billy Graham's, Luis Palau's, and Reinhard Bonnke's of the world. But we also need millions, who like Jesus, take time to speak to the woman at the well.

And we need millions, who will daily open  door to allow God's Spirit to move freely, powerfully, in people's hearts. We need them to invite God's presence into their families, the work places, their cities, and the masses of China, and India.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Embracing God's Will ... and Change

Many of Paul's letters begin with thanksgivings, and praise, for God's work in people's lives, and their growth. Giving allegiance to Jesus always involves change. There is a change in people's view of Jesus. There is a change in people's view of life, and its expectations, conduct, and end results.

The biggest factor in transformation, of someone following Jesus, is the literal presence of God in their lives. The Holy Spirit makes his home in the inner man of all God's children. He is a constant guide, resource, teacher, and comforter.

Because God has given each person a different place in his Kingdom, he guides each one differently. But, as we are all his children, there are ways he guides us the same, to achieve the identical outcome. He wants all of his children:

  • to walk in greater relationship with him ... including eternity with him becoming more real, more true.
  • to believe, and trust, what he says more.
  • to love him, his family, and those not in his family, more.
Part of following Jesus means embracing this change. It can be disrupting, difficult, and causing fear and anxiety. We don't know where it's going.

God's family generally acknowledges that God-led change is good. But because of the clamor, and din, of a multitude of voices, it is sometimes hard to hear that still, small voice of love, and truth. Cultivating the habit of listening prayer becomes a vital, necessary tool.

Out of a multitude of voices, there are some who want to stop God's family from acting as God's family. There are some in God's family, who want to maintain historic practices, so they don't want to change. There are some, who want to be obedient, but only hear half of what God says, so they only obey half.

This is the challenge of following Christ. To hear and obey, all God says. To move into the future, remain relevant, and stay true to God's eternal word.

And this was true of many churches in the first century. They grabbed hold of the gospel, a love relationship with Father, and a lifestyle that drew others to desire a relationship with Father, but also spoke to the moral rights and wrongs of their time, without compromising on living out faith, hope, and love.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Love Makes Changes

When a baby is born, it undergoes a dramatic shift in circumstances. It was cocooned in a deluxe, temperature controlled environment, with twenty-four hour room service. Then, they get thrust out into the world. It’s cold. It’s windy. And getting food suddenly becomes a really big deal.

Eventually, the baby gets on a schedule. Food, sleep, and personal interaction get organized. Unfortunately, the baby’s schedule, and the parent’s schedule, are often out of sync.

A friend of mine remarked after his first children were born (they had twins) that he never realized how selfish he was, until he had kids. Caring for someone, who is totally dependent, and not flexible as to times and places, could make parents, who are used to more freedom, feel trapped. It could even lead to resentment. In today’s world, people do not seem to tolerate limits put on them. Especially from the outside.

But God so loved the world, that he limited himself by becoming human. He met our weakness, our failure, and our brokenness, and totally changed his behavior. He chose the extreme limits: capture, torture, and death.

Love chooses to modify its behavior to see someone else’s good occur. When offended, love chooses patience. When someone is in need, it surrenders time, energy, and resources. When someone succeeds, love rejoices. Love sees equals, supports weakness, expects success, and growth, and keeps giving.

Jesus calls us to live in the way of love. Jesus’s message and mission, accepting, and trusting, his way, and living in love can only flip the world on its head.

Intercession Everyone's Job

We are all designed by God. We are all given places in his mission to invite the world into his family. As we recently posted, there are a multitude of functions, and God has equipped someone to complete that function.

Some are given to act as an interface between God’s family, and the world. Some are given to maintain, and improve, the condition of God’s family. Some in physical areas. Some in relational areas. Some in character. All of these areas involve a spiritual component. That’s because all of life is connected to the Father. Especially within God’s family.

God’s family have accepted Father’s offer to unite in relationship., becoming his children. Sonship is not one simple thing. It is commitment to Father. It is a promise to live by his word. It is an invitation, and permission, for him to act in our lives. (And when he acts, it is always for our best.)

And some function to gain greater involvement of Father in the world, and in the lives of his family. (I called this “artillery spotting” in an earlier post.) It is easy for us to understand intercession in terms of evangelism. We want God to break lies, highlight truth, and generate clarification in the hearts of people, who have not yet chosen relationship with Father. (And I am not writing to minimize this type of prayer. Indeed, I would encourage more. Let us rain down spiritual artillery on Africa, Asia, the Middle East, India, London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, and everywhere in between. Let all these places be pummeled with God’s greatness, goodness, kindness, and love. Let one billion, two billion, people chose to unite with Father in a single day.)

But let us also remember that God’s Spirit, and God’s love, needs to be where, and doing whatever, God’s family is dong. He needs to be with Reinhard Bonnke preaching to a million people in Nigeria. He needs to be with millions of people, giving money, and writing letters, to children, partnering with Compassion, and other organizations like it. He needs to be in millions of worship meetings around the world. He needs to be with every single person giving instruction, encouragement, counseling, mercy, or forgiveness. He needs to be with every person mowing the lawn, repairing, or maintaining, equipment in places, or on property, used by God’s family. And every single on of these situations ought to have someone spotting God’s artillery.

No one knows the tipping point, that releases the incense of heaven to cover the earth.

Monday, August 05, 2019

World Impact

Through the mail, TV, the internet, there are commercials about all types of works/ministries, doing all types of things … good things. Things we can work for, or give money to.

I am aware of a charity in East Africa formed to combat a parasite, that is prevalent there. Because many people go barefoot there, the parasite embeds itself in the soles of people’s feet. The parasite grows, lays eggs, and effected people have difficulty walking. So, they can’t work, or go to school.

The charity has clinics to remove the parasite, hygiene classes about prevention, and they give away shoes. People in the US cut the pattern for the uppers out of old blue jeans. The soles are made from old tires. The “raw materials,” and a little money, are sent to Africa, where the shoes are assembled. The money is used to pay people to assemble the shoes. Shoes, and a job.

I is amazing how a pair of shoes can transform a person’s life.

This is an example of one of a multitude of good things, people can do to positively effect the world. But did you ever feel like there was too much? There are a lot of things – honorable, beneficial, God-honorable, people loving, Every one of them insistent of your support. And there are some that you want to support, but can’t afford, are too far away, or without the necessary skills to help.

We do need to keep several things in mind. God does indeed have a mission in the world. But the mission is given to his family, who is also his army. And like a modern army, there are many roles: pilot (fight, bomber, rescue), mechanic (plane, truck, tank), infantry, cooks, doctors, and generals. And everyone needs to do their job to make the mission successful.

In God’s army, there is one main general, who is over the entire operation. And he gives each one their job. Sometimes, understanding one’s orders can be confusing. But each one does have a place. And it may not always seem so, but each place is vital, and important. Someone not doing their job leaves a gap in the line. The mission is hindered. And someone is not living as designed, and there is a loss of joy, and love, in the world. Most jobs are part of the Kingdom, but they may not be a formal part of the church.

And we need to remember that each, and every one, has direct access to the Commander in Chief, all day, every day. There is no time, day or night, that he is not available, able, and willing, to act on our behalf. Indeed, the most powerful weapon in this army’s arsenal is the General’s presence, act active involvement, in any particular phase of the battle. So, if someone has a heart for one particular 5 year old in Uganda, with foot parasites, he can call on the Commander. And the Commander can direct his attention, energy, and involvement, half-way around the world to that 5 year old. And the world’s love meter pegs to the maximum reading.

There ae some of God’s army, whose main job is “artillery spotting.” The call God’s attention, and involvement, to situations around the world. All of God’s family are given, in part, the job of artillery spotter. They may have another job, but his family needs to give much more attention to this part of their job.

Not only is it with prayer that we invite god into our lives, and into the situations we face, but some believe that God limits himself to act only if we pray. In other word, the all-powerful One, the One that nothing, and no one, can stop, puts limits on himself. He does nothing, unless it is in partnership with his people, who are praying.

There is a picture, in the last book of the Bible, of an altar in heaven. On the altar is a container of incense. Scripture says the incense is the prayers of the saints. God waits until the container is full, then he pours out the incense of heaven over the world. The aroma of heaven, the presence of God, fills the world, when his army prays.

I don’t know if it is proven that God never acts on his own initiative. But for his family to impact the world, two things need to happen. Each of God’s children need to fill their place. And each of god’s children need to invite God to be present, attentive, and active in every situation, as it presents itself.

Freedom. Maturity. Love.

Jesus died to complete all of God’s laws for us. We could not complete them, so he did it for us. So, we really do not need to be concerned about keeping the laws any longer.

But, again, that doesn’t mean Father is not concerned with how we live, and what we do. In Father’s original design, mankind was designed to be like Jesus. To love – because love fulfills the law – naturally, and instinctively.

Some recognize this, and live with a tremendous freedom. They live according to the Great Command – love God, and love people – and not sweat the rules churches set up.

There is the usual, unspoken, but expected church rule: attend the meetings. Scripture does say that it is good for God’s family to gather. People are designed to function as family, as community. There is benefit, and opportunity, to serve, to encourage, and to love. Those who are wiser, and more mature, can build into others. People were designed to love. Love needs givers, and receivers.

There are churches where one’s commitment, maturity, and life effectiveness are judged by the attendance chart. There are people, who judge their own worth to God by the attendance chart. Plus a host of other organizational rules.

I do not condemn organizations for having rules. Large numbers of people, sharing the same resources, and space, need something to direct traffic, maintain open lines of communication, and ensure that needs don’t get lost in the shuffle. But if God does keep a gradebook, I doubt any of these sorts of rules are recorded in it.

But there are people, who have given their allegiance to Jesus, genuinely, and truly, and believe that God expects them to keep these rules. And there are people in the same local family, who think that’s crazy. And thus, we have the potential for disunity, discord, and dis-harmony. What’s a body to do?

The mature, and the strong, must realize that love is on the top of God’s list. And unity is an important component of love in God’s family. So, it is up to them to love, and serve, those given to the minutiae of rules. And, by this love, all may grow in relationship to God and others, may grow in love, and may grow in understanding.

Again, organizations with lots of people may need rules to operate efficiently, and effectively. But keeping organizational rules, or cultural expectations, do not mean worth, or maturity, in God’s economy. Human worth is derived from God’s love of each person – demonstrated with the cross. Human maturity is derived from each person’s love of other people.

Friday, August 02, 2019

Love and Truth

It has been posted here, more than once, that God designed the universe. He designed all of its laws: physical, and chemical. And he designed people, and all the laws that affect them: biological, psychological, social, and spiritual.

Of all these laws, the strongest, and most important, is the law of love. There is too much Scripture indicating its importance, and its place as God’s family defining feature.

But there are other laws, that should be kept. All of these laws are also part of the definition of what people, and life, should be like. They are part of God’s design, and ideal life.

When the first people rebelled against God’s reign, there was only one law. People kept all of God’s law naturally, instinctively. Breaking the one law really wasn’t about the apple. (Or whatever fruit it was.) It was about trusting God, what he said, and his intentions toward us. It broke the relationship between God, and people.

Those, not in God’s family, often only see obedience to rules, that they probably don’t agree with, maybe not even understand, and no expression of love. (Love may have a different definition too. To Father, love is giving, and wanting the best for others. In the world, love may also be wanting the best, but it is the individual, who defines what is best. And everyone should accept, and tolerate that.)

Some in God’s family are also fixed on God’s laws. It can be a form of modern pharisaic philosophy, where Father’s approval comes from checking off boxes on a list. Jesus died, because no one can ever check off enough boxes.

So, what is the bottom line? Paul prays that God’s family might express more love with greater time, energy, and resources but expressed with greater insight, and understanding. Having a greater realization that God’s laws reflect God’s character, love is filtered through God’s word. But it should be recognized by the world as love, as God’s love. God expressed his love to draw the world into relationship a loving, trusting relationship. Love, expressed through God’s word, should also draw people into relationship. Which also means relationship with God’s family. Expressing love, but living more in God’s image. Jesus gave love to the outcasts of society, but did not compromise God’s law. And he drew people to God. He motivated people to give love, trust, and allegiance to the Father, and to uniting with his family.

Friday, July 19, 2019


The core of Christianity is: God dies to demonstrate his love for rebels, and sinners, and prepare a way for the selfish, the hateful, and the arrogant to become a part of his family.

God’s purposes were not just to provide a “get out of jail free” card. God has invited each person to share life with him. He has invited each person into restoration, living life as designed, and partnership, representing him with proclamation, and demonstration, of his message.

God’s mission is the increase, and restoration, of his family, and his kingdom. And Jesus demonstrated the means to accomplishing his mission:
  • Proclaim truth.
  • Practicing love.
  • Inviting God to act in every circumstance.
  • Giving thanks for all of God’s gifts.
  • A life of obedience. 
What would be an impossible task, if it were not for God’s active involvement. But we also need to remember God’s invitation. If he did not think we were sufficient for the work, he would have chosen a different way. Yes, he works to complete us, but we are enough, just as we are.

The fact that he died for us, and told us to go, shows that we are enough. The fact that he chose twelve ordinary men to start his revolution, shows that we are enough.

Friday, July 12, 2019


Paul reminds us of a passage from the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah proclaims that God will reign over  the gentiles, and they will put their hope in God. Scripture says that there are only three things that will last forever: faith, hope, and love. Of these, the least talked about is hope. Most people regard hope as wishful thinking.

Love is taking small bits of ourselves, our time, our energy, and resources, and giving them away. Faith is holding Father’s words, and treating them as true truth. And hope, in the Scriptures, is more than wishful thinking. Hope is holding Father’s words about the future, and treating them as true truth.

Human beings live in the present, but they yearn for the future. They seems to live better, if there is something positive to work towards.

Scripture says that God created people with eternity in their hearts. People were designed with this space in their cores, and a motivation to fill that space. It is a soul hunger for meaning, significance, fulfillment, and rest. It is a signal that something is missing.

There could be a number of things missing. In some parts of the world, it is rest provided by security, safety, and enough to eat. For others, it is coming to that unique place that only they can fill. Ultimately, it is relationship with Father. The hole in our hearts cannot really be filled, unless we find a way back to the Father.

So, Paul prays: as we choose allegiance, because we trust Father, and Jesus, becoming a son, part of his family, accepted, forgiven, redeemed, then joy, and peace, will fill the emptiness. The Holy spirit makes his home in our core, teaching, encouraging, and connecting us to the Father’s love, and grace, and enabling us to move into the future with confidence.

Paul's Prayer (5b)

Again, Paul is reviewing his life, and his violent stance against Christ, God’s family, and the revelation of God’s grace. He, mistakenly, believed that God approved of his Pharisaic system. And he remembers God’s acceptance of him, even after his opposition. Even putting him into fruitful work, proclaiming God’s message, and demonstrating his character. And he stands amazed, and thankful.

We have looked some at thankfulness, and the effect it has in someone’s life. We all have a story of brokenness., and rebellion.

Some, like Paul, believe their lives work for God. He believed he was righteous according to the Law. But the Law does not give righteousness. So, when Christ broke through, his eyes were opened to what God wanted, and what Jesus did.

Some are like my friend, who knew right from wrong, but lived a lifestyle of breaking all the rules. And he didn’t care. But when Christ broke through, he eyes were opened to what God wanted, and what Jesus did.

Or like me, who chose to follow Jesus at a young age. I had no understanding of sin, or my own condemnation. I did not see myself as a sinner. But I did know that the Triune God was the Creator, and Lord, of the universe. I did know that all people should enter his Kingdom, and his reign. And entering was volitional. So I chose. And God opened my eyes to what he wanted, and what Jesus did.

I learned about my sin, and my brokenness, afterward. And the layers of my sin continue to be uncovered. And the reasons for gratitude continue to be uncovered.

God, ultimately, wants to transform our cores of being, our hearts. And thanksgiving is a large part of that transformation. We align ourselves, and move toward, those things that we are grateful.

Religion vs. Relationship

One of the things that someone will hear Christians say is that Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship.

What does that mean?

What people usually mean is:
  • Religion is a system of rules that people need to follow, in order to be OK with God.
  • Christianity frees people from following those rules, because Jesus died for us. In effect, Jesus has fulfilled the rules for us.
Does this mean God is no longer concerned about our behavior? We don’t need to go to church? Pay tithes? Read the Bible?

I have written fairly frequently about my conception of God designing his creation, so people naturally live lovingly, joyfully, and peacefully. And when mankind chose independence from God, the world broke. Now, we need to choose to move back into dependence on God, into relationship, and living out God’s design. So, in a very real way, we need to re-learn how to live.

The religion\relationship question flows along two paths. On one path, we observe from the passage of Scripture, that says, since God’s Spirit makes his home in your heart, there are certain fruits, or results, that grow out of a person’s life. If these fruits are the results of God’s Spirit, then they are characteristics of God. And one of those fruits is discipline. So, God is not against making choices that produce things consistently, to build good habits, and life patterns.

It is good to meet with others in God’s family for mutual encouragement. It is good to be regularly renewed, and reminded, by God’s values, intentions, and priorities. It is good to give. Love is giving. It is good to release things that can controls, other than God’s Spirit.

The other path happens when we see that discipline is good, so everybody needs to be disciplined … in the same way. Many have written, and taught, about disciples that helped them. And there is a natural tendency to think, it works for me, it should work for everybody else. Well, it probably would work for lots of people, but probably not everybody. One size does not fit all.

So, we need to choose our disciplines wisely. Including when to abandon one for another. Including an alert, and receptive, heart. Including a practice of listening to God.

Scripture show God as a communicator. And Scripture shows God as immutable. Meaning he does not change. Meaning, if he was a communicator, he still is a communicator. So, we need to listen.

Scripture uses the analogy of family to give a picture of what the relationships with God, and other believers, should be like. Not that we don’t know dysfunctional families, that no one should belong to. Not that we don’t know dysfunctional churches, that no one should belong to.

We need to re-create our picture of what this relationship looks like. Father intends that this relationship should look like the ideal parent-child relationship. There are formal occasions: weddings, Christmas dinner. There are informal occasions: playing catch, getting ice cream, helping with homework.

Maybe the difference between religion, and relationship, is the realization that Father gives, moment by moment, attention, involvement, and communication. And we need to learn to be moment by moment with him.

Monday, July 08, 2019

Paul's Prayer (5a)

Paul begins by reviewing who he was before giving his allegiance to Jesus. He opposed the followers of Jesus, and tried to stop them by persecution, arrest, and harassment. He marvels at God’s grace, and patience. And he winds up praying giving thanks for God’s nature. God’s nature motivates, and activates, God giving attention to, and involvement in, the world.

We may not have opposed God’s word, and God’s people., like Paul did., but God has revealed himself to each one of us, and has involved himself in our lives, acting for us every day.

And, since God is active in us, with us, and through us, every day, combatting the world, the flesh, and the devil, by demonstrating, and proclaiming, his nature, his message, and his mission, then every day, there is something to be grateful for.

And giving thanks is one way of aligning our hearts with God. We are agreeing with God in his battle against the misery the enemy wishes to create. We agree with faith, hope, and love.

Giving thanks sees, and acknowledges, God’s active involvement in life, and events, big or small.

Monday, July 01, 2019

Paul's Prayer (4)

Paul prays for genuine transformation, and a perfect life-style. Not that we would ever reach perfection. But it is God’s heart for his image, and nature, to be indelibly stamped on his children.

We have described how God created his children to follow his design. Life works best when we keep to his pattern. Paul is recognizing that greater peace, harmony, unity, and connection with God is possible, if we walk according to God’s design. God’s love, and grace, flow more freely to our hearts, if we do not block him by our acts, words, thoughts, and attitudes.

Resumption of the flow comes from turning away from the wrong. Repentance is a turning away from whatever is contrary to, or denies God, and turning back to connection, fellowship, and obedience.

Genuine transformation means that the connection with God will, at least, be broken less. And love, and joy, will increase. God’s kingdom, and glory, will increase.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Out of the Flood Came the Rainbow

Every once in a while, a memory floats up out of the past, and I get ambushed by a failure. Sometimes, it is something that happened 30 years ago, and I didn’t realize that anything was wrong until 10 years ago. Or last year. Or last week.

The usual result of such a memory is a wave of depression, emptiness, and lack. Because of the consequences of my actions, or inactions, I view myself as a failure, and not having much worth.
I don’t know if you have ever noticed, but a person, who sees himself negatively, begins a wave of negative momentum. Any effort focused through a lens of “I’m a failure. I can’t do it.” will not succeed. Any “project” that is worth anything has set backs. Negative focus saps a person’s resiliency, which is needed to overcome those setbacks.

Some time ago, I posted about a shift that happens in a person’s spirit when he gives thanks.
Thankfulness is an agreement that something is good. Thankfulness to God is an agreement that something God did, is good. The word in the original language has roots in both “grace” and “joy.” Being thankful receives grace, which activates joy.

Recently, I experienced one of those memories from the murky depths. Negativity began to cloud my vision. Self-recriminations. Blame games. Just quit!

I took a walk, and began to look for something anything to be thankful for.

I began to think about the brokenness of the world, and how I was a part of that brokenness. It’s a wonder anything goes right, that there is any light at all. And it seems to be getting darker. The only reason I have any hope at all is because Jesus loves me, and died for me.

And then, I realized Jesus knew at the foundation of the world, that I was broken, and he went to the cross for me. He knew I wasn’t going to be perfect. He knew I was going to fail again, and again. And he went to the cross.

Father created the world to be whole. People chose brokenness. So, Father adjusted the plan. He invited broken failures to be his children. He knew they were broken. He knew they were never going to be whole until glorified in heaven. But he chose them anyway. And he hinges the whole plan on his broken children.

Followers of Jesus often feel they need to through a period of restoration before they can properly represent Jesus. But that’s not the case. Father made the broken his agents, his ambassadors, his priests, and his family. We don’t become these things after a period of purification, and training. We are these things when we give allegiance to Jesus.

We will continue to grow, and become more whole. And we will represent him better. But Father knew you, weakness, warts, and all. And invited you into his family, made you his agent, his priest, and his ambassador now.

He knew the failure you were then. He knows the failure you are now. He knows the failure you will be. And he chooses you, To proclaim him. To show him. To invite him into you life, and the situations around you. To love people for him.

Thank you Father, that you knew I was broken, that I was going to continue to fail, and you chose to die for me reguardless.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Paul's Prayer (3)

And Paul prays for anther part of God’s family. Another man has motivated a group of people to give their allegiance to Jesus, and the news has reached Paul about the birth of this new part of God’s family.

So, Paul prays that they might have complete knowledge of God’s will, in wisdom and understanding. Whole books have been written about knowing God’s will, with processes of discernment and verification.

Christianity is a relationship with the Living God, Creator, and Father of all. And it is important to know the right path, how to walk in it, and how to be able to cooperate fully physically, mentally, and spiritually with God’s will. But God’s will is not a long list of check boxes. “Check box” living, and thinking, is not relationship; it is religion.

If we know, and understand, God’s will, we can make decisions that honor, and please, God. We will produce good fruit. We will grow in knowing him. We will create patterns in our lives, that agree with his design.

But the heart of his design is love. Where is the check box for responding in patience, when someone cuts you off on the Interstate? Where is the check box for expecting, and wanting, God to work positively, to work miracles, for those who hate him.

The core of Christianity is: God dying for rebels, traitors, rapists, and murderers as well as, those of us, who are just self-centered, and error-prone because he loved each one of them, and that they might become family. His family.

Check boxes might be necessary to get things rolling. God is for discipline. But a changed nature is better. Love flowing from people, as naturally, as easily, and as habitually, as breathing.