Through the mail, TV, the internet, there are commercials about all types of works/ministries, doing all types of things … good things. Things we can work for, or give money to.
I am aware of a charity in East Africa formed to combat a parasite, that is prevalent there. Because many people go barefoot there, the parasite embeds itself in the soles of people’s feet. The parasite grows, lays eggs, and effected people have difficulty walking. So, they can’t work, or go to school.
The charity has clinics to remove the parasite, hygiene classes about prevention, and they give away shoes. People in the US cut the pattern for the uppers out of old blue jeans. The soles are made from old tires. The “raw materials,” and a little money, are sent to Africa, where the shoes are assembled. The money is used to pay people to assemble the shoes. Shoes, and a job.
I is amazing how a pair of shoes can transform a person’s life.
This is an example of one of a multitude of good things, people can do to positively effect the world. But did you ever feel like there was too much? There are a lot of things – honorable, beneficial, God-honorable, people loving, Every one of them insistent of your support. And there are some that you want to support, but can’t afford, are too far away, or without the necessary skills to help.
We do need to keep several things in mind. God does indeed have a mission in the world. But the mission is given to his family, who is also his army. And like a modern army, there are many roles: pilot (fight, bomber, rescue), mechanic (plane, truck, tank), infantry, cooks, doctors, and generals. And everyone needs to do their job to make the mission successful.
In God’s army, there is one main general, who is over the entire operation. And he gives each one their job. Sometimes, understanding one’s orders can be confusing. But each one does have a place. And it may not always seem so, but each place is vital, and important. Someone not doing their job leaves a gap in the line. The mission is hindered. And someone is not living as designed, and there is a loss of joy, and love, in the world. Most jobs are part of the Kingdom, but they may not be a formal part of the church.
And we need to remember that each, and every one, has direct access to the Commander in Chief, all day, every day. There is no time, day or night, that he is not available, able, and willing, to act on our behalf. Indeed, the most powerful weapon in this army’s arsenal is the General’s presence, act active involvement, in any particular phase of the battle. So, if someone has a heart for one particular 5 year old in Uganda, with foot parasites, he can call on the Commander. And the Commander can direct his attention, energy, and involvement, half-way around the world to that 5 year old. And the world’s love meter pegs to the maximum reading.
There ae some of God’s army, whose main job is “artillery spotting.” The call God’s attention, and involvement, to situations around the world. All of God’s family are given, in part, the job of artillery spotter. They may have another job, but his family needs to give much more attention to this part of their job.
Not only is it with prayer that we invite god into our lives, and into the situations we face, but some believe that God limits himself to act only if we pray. In other word, the all-powerful One, the One that nothing, and no one, can stop, puts limits on himself. He does nothing, unless it is in partnership with his people, who are praying.
There is a picture, in the last book of the Bible, of an altar in heaven. On the altar is a container of incense. Scripture says the incense is the prayers of the saints. God waits until the container is full, then he pours out the incense of heaven over the world. The aroma of heaven, the presence of God, fills the world, when his army prays.
I don’t know if it is proven that God never acts on his own initiative. But for his family to impact the world, two things need to happen. Each of God’s children need to fill their place. And each of god’s children need to invite God to be present, attentive, and active in every situation, as it presents itself.