In one of Paul's letters to the church, he urges the church to not be anxious about anything.
Like many words, the is a picture behind the word "anxious." The picture is one of being pulled in two directions. When we become anxious, we are often caught up in what-if's and maybe's. "What if this happens? What if that happens? Maybe I should do this? Maybe I should do that?" And , of course, the all encompassing: "What do I do now?"
We are currently living through a time of great anxiety. "What if I get sick? What if I lose my job? How will I pay my bills?"
God doesn't say to ignore your problems. He says to focus on your problems with him.
Focus your hearts and minds on the Father. Bring your needs, concerns, wants, and problems to him. Communicate them to him thoroughly. But, bring them with thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving because:
- He loves you.
- He is for you.
- He is active on your behalf.
- He knows your needs and concerns.
- He is concerned, and active, to meet them.