Maybe there is no saltiness, because we have started depending on the world's systems.
After Constantine, Christianity grew to become a dominating force in Europe and America. In Europe, it had tremendous political clout. In America, it exercised a large moral influence. However, its power has wavered. Christianity in Europe is virtually non-existent. In America, more churches close each week than are opened. More and more, people walk away from Jesus. And those still sitting in pews are worried about the moral swamp things are turning into.
Christians lament the loss of influence. The church was a revolutionary force for good in the first century. And "somebody" needs to "something" to restore order and moral decency. And "somebody" is somebody else. The pastor. The government. Mary. Rob and Judy.
Has anyone noticed that the first century was the golden age of the church? Has anyone noticed that the first century was a cultural and moral swamp? There were no civil or political protections for Christians. Being a Christian was good way to become an appetizer at the Lion's club.
Those following Jesus turned the world upside down by obeying Jesus, speaking truth, loving one another and loving those outside the family.
Welcome to the first century!
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