The gospel is not a philosophy; it is not about the church; it is not about church history. The gospel is about a person who came to reconnect us to God.
If we expect to come up with a solution to all the problems in the world, we will fall flat on our faces. We are neither big enough nor smart enough.
If we expect to be a perfect example of who God made us to be, we will have equally injured noses. It is humanity’s moral failure that caused all this in the first place. And we are now all warped. We could not fully function in God’s image if we wanted to. (And a large part of the issue is that our heart is warped too, so even our “want to” is broke.)
We are designed to live, to be and to act in a certain way. We are designed to consume certain fuels to produce these outward results. And if we have re-aligned our allegiances, choosing to live with God as our first priority, then he chooses to begin an extreme make-over of our lives, our “want to’s”, our pursuits, our heart, our though processes and our actions.
The best we can do right now is pursue our relationship, invite him into any and every circumstance, and follow as completely and thoroughly whatever he calls us to do.
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