Monday, August 03, 2015

God's Invitation

I am reading a book where the author is trying to give guidance for people to find their destiny in God. A very complex subject as you can imagine. There is a destiny for each person living, had lived or will live.
Such books usually consider what the Bible terms “a call.” A call is God’s invitation. We are called to relationship with him. We are called to follow him. We are called to a destiny in him – a purpose for our lives and existence. Because he is eternally present, immanent, with each of us, he is able to craft a personal destiny for each of us. He is able to offer a personal destiny for each of us.
The Bible describes some calls for some people. These are often dramatic, like Moses and the burning bush, or Paul on the road to Damascus. The author wrote that these types of calls had ceased. And I wish to take issue with this a bit.
He offered no reasons, no scripture. So, how can he make this type of unequivocal assumption? I will admit that a dramatic call like this is very unusual. Rare even. There were around 2 million Israelites at the time of Moses. God certainly gave in invitation to walk with him, to carry out their roles in his mission and purpose, to each Israelite. However, only Moses got this type of call.
Why would God give such a dramatic invitation? In the case of both Paul and Moses, their hearts were strongly focused in a direction away from their destiny. To get them moving in the correct direction would require a radical change of heart. Their roles in God’s mission was also strategic. So, God communicated in a radical way to elicit a radical response. 
God’s preference is to speak softly. Sometimes, in order to be heard, he needs to change methods. There is a story about a pastor (Presbyterian, a group not known to promote supernatural experience) who heard God speak to him in an audible voice. God was giving him instructions to take a certain course of action, that he had decided not to take.
 God is able to make himself heard. He is looking for available, alert people, who have soft hearts, and are open and ready to change, if necessary. Especially when it involves his invitation to walk with him, and the path, the work and the effect it entails.


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