Wednesday, March 15, 2017


We were at some friends recently. At one point, the family cat came in from outside, and was looking for a warm lap to take a nap in. He jumped onto the chair I was sitting in, found the most comfortable spot, laid down, and didn’t move a muscle.

It reminded me of my son. We would need to go somewhere. So, we would put him into the car seat, buckle him in, start the car, and he would be a sleep in 30 seconds. Head down flat on the arm rest in front of him. How can anyone sleep in such a position?

And I began to wonder about what going to sleep so readily says about a person’s mind-set.

Little children fall asleep readily, and quickly, because they feel safe. There are no worries, no fears, no frantic scramble to achieve security. Little children are totally at peace. They have moms and dads who fill their needs, protect them, comfort them, and love them.

Scripture says we should be like little children. Scripture says our lives should be characterized by peace. And human adults are anything but characterized by peace. Not that they are not seeking peace. They are looking for it in jobs, insurance, alarm systems, government regulations, politics, and the perfect relationship. Everywhere by the source of peace.

Like love, each of God’s children should be characterized by peace. If they are not experiencing peace, they are not walking with God like they should.

Large portions of God’s family are living in a state of angst. There is dread of the future, the state of the union, the world and the economy. Their hopes, confidence and trust rests in the government, their bank account, their jobs, or their friends, None of these are big enough.

The only thing big enough to support the world, all its people, and all its problems is our heavenly Father. He is the only one wise enough to have the answers. He is the only one big enough to hold everyone in his hands, and heart. He is the only one who can act with the perfectly balanced amount of love, power, strength, and gentleness.

He is the only one who has each person in his heart. He is the only one who can affect good for the world, and each individual. He loves each one. He is for each one. Even if the world is crashing, imploding, and being overwhelmed, all of these things are true. Especially as it relates to the who turn to God, give him their allegiance, and become a part of his family.

We experience peace as we engage in fellowship with the Father, as we surrender to the one who loves us above all else – our lives, our worries, and our loved ones. Peace is a sign of trust in our Father, and a sign of defeat to the world, the flesh, and the enemy.

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