During the Last Supper, besides eating the Passover meal together, because he knows his death is imminent, he spends considerable time teaching and encouraging his disciples in many areas.
He is seated with the men, who will take his message and his example into the world, with earthquake-tsunami-like effect. And if the disciples are in any way aware of the expectations of their life, they would dissolve in fear, and panic. "I'm not Jesus! How can I do what he does?"
So, a large portion of this time is spent on the Helper\Comforter. The Bible says that when we give our allegiance to Jesus, God marks us as his. The mark is a guarantee of our citizenship in his kingdom, our membership of his family, our part in his body. The mark is the Holy Spirit. It is God himself, residing in our core. God has made his home in our inner being, declaring with bright, glaring neon lights, "This is mine! No trespassers allowed!"
It is this same Holy Spirit who resets our spiritual DNA, guaranteeing our transformation. He communicates the Father's special, individual, messages to our inner core. He is our connection to God's resources.
Jesus, though he was in nature God, became man. He became man, so he could demonstrate mankind's original design. He lived, acted, spoke, thought, and felt as each of us were designed to be. He lived in connection to the Father, through the Holy Spirit.
Now, given our allegiance to Jesus, we have the same connection to the Father that Jesus did. And Jesus says, because we have that connection, we can do the same things Jesus did. And Jesus said we will do greater things. (Give sight to the blind? Raise the dead? Calm the storm?)
This is way outside the experience of many Christians. This is way outside the experience of Christians, who assert most strongly that all have been granted authority to love, and act, in this manner.
"Authority" is "delegated power." It means that some entity is given permission to use power. And, usually, power is delegated with conditions. The electric company gives its customers permission to use its power, provided the customers pay the bill. The police are given permission to use deadly force to enforce the law. Again, there are parameters under which such force is sanctioned.
The question we all ought to be asking is: if Jesus did what he did, and lived the way he lived, because he was connected to the Father, and we should do what Jesus did, and live the way he lived, because we are connected to the Father, why are very few, if any, of God's children doing what Jesus did?
Since, one of the parameters to the authority each of God's children is given is the connection of each child to the Father, what is the difference between Jesus' connection and ours?
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