Scripture says that Jesus is the exact representation of the Father. I basically hold the traditional view about the Trinity. There is a mystery about the nature of the God-head, which humans cannot understand. Theologians say they have the same essence, or substance, but different personalities. I don’t think this means they are identical triplets. I do think it means they are in perfect agreement. Their inner lives are complexly congruent, completely in sync. They have the same motivations, the same convictions, and the same perspectives. They agree on the same plan, and have the same mission.
This includes all thoughts, feelings, and behaviors toward each person.
The Father is not the reigning King, focused only obedience, and justice. The Son is not the sacrificial lamb, focused on love, compassion and mercy. The Spirit is not this ethereal force, falling like lightning in unpredictable places. They all hate sin. They all love sinners. They all want the restoration of a relationship with all people, the formation of loving fellowship with all people, and the transformation of all people into the likeness of Jesus. (Meaning: each person living fully as God designed each one to be. Without sin like Jesus. Fully loving like Jesus. Yet, fully expressing each one’s gifts, strengths, and potential.)
Many feel that each member of the God-head have different attitudes toward people. The Father is angry, and condemning. The Son is gentle, and compassionate. And the views about the Spirit could fill all the volumes in a complete set of encyclopedias. From ephemeral nothing, to vague shadow, to ever present and powerful dynamo, active in every situation. But Scripture indicates they are in complete agreement, and perfect unity, about what they think about people.
Their parts in the plan, and mission, may by distinct. But their attitudes, motives, intentions, drives, feelings, and connections with, and to, people are identical. We can approach each member of the God-head with the same freedom, the same expectation of response, knowing they the same feelings, attitudes, and motives, for our good, our growth, and our destiny.
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