Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Kingdom (2)

God created the world, and was Lord over all creation. The enemy deceived the first people, and they brought rebellion, and enmity, into their relationship with God. And the enemy, momentarily, ruled creation. But, when Jesus came, he defeated the enemy.He nailed sin onto the cross. Lordship over creation was restored to the King.

During World War II, the US army invaded Iwo Jima. If the Japanese army could have repelled the Americans, and keep them off the beaches, they would win the battle. But they could not. Once, the US army secured a foothold on Iwo Jima, the results of the battle were a forgone conclusion. But knowing the conclusion did not mean the Japanese would surrender. They fought fiercely, and stubbornly, for every inch of that small island.

This is the position the enemy is in. Defeated, but refusing to surrender. Determined to fight to the bitter end. Take as many as he can with him. Make as much misery as he can.

God's family, as his agents, have the role of the marines on Iwo Jima. Remove the enemy. Establish God's rule over all the land. God's family does not stand alone, because their Father stands with them.

But the question is: how does God's family establish God's rule over the land? The marines used guns, and bullets, to secure Iwo Jima. With do God's people use? What are their tools, and weapons? This war has different goals, and different objectives. So, the weapons are different.

Of course, the Kingdom's greatest weapon is Jesus. The cross has defeated the enemy. His power death has been broken.

Another weapon is a life given in allegiance to Jesus. When a person gives his allegiance to Jesus, the Holy Spirit makes his home in the person's heart. New spiritual DNA is injected. The sure transformation, into a life that God's designed, begins.

The life is so different, and so contrary to what is expected, it seems to some people like a brand new life. And Paul does describe it as new. Indeed, some people compare the old life, of someone they know, with their new life. And the difference between the two is enough to motivate them to give their allegiance to Jesus.

But there is more. As God's family live as designed (read: obey God's word) the change the spiritual atmosphere of their society and culture. There is a supernatural aspect of this. There is a natural aspect of this.

The supernatural aspect consists of an invitation to the Holy Spirit to live in our midst. The lives of God's family invite God's presence; and they do not live in ways that repel God's presence. And God's presence affects anything that it touches.

The natural aspect consists of more, and more, people living according to God's word. God's primary commands are to love God, and love people. If God's family is living according to love, it would revolutionize society. Just driving on I-95 would be calmer, and more peaceful, because drivers would be patient, and kind.

God's children are perhaps his greatest asset, as they invite the Spirit into circumstances, and conduct themselves by his standards, values, and commands.

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