Then, God begins a plan to rebuild his family. A plan that will take thousands of years to complete.
God chooses a man to begin his family. He sends the man, and his immediate family, to a place far from his birth family. He sends them far away, so his birth family would not have a controlling effect on what he will do.
God tells the man that his family will become a large people group. And this people group will bless all people groups everywhere.
God intends that this people group will represent him, and demonstrate who he is. The world will see the nature of the one Creator God in this people group. And from this people, God will produce a man, who will be the bridge between God and man. This man will enable all mankind to move back to a restored relationship with Father.
God is able to build this bridge. And the man will be able to cross it. The relationship that defines what life was intended to be, and what man was designed to be, can, and will be, rebuilt.
In reality, we see that the people does a pretty poor job of demonstrating who Father is. They fail, because they are broken, like all people are broken.
But, they do produce God’s bridge. The man, who by his life, and his choices, enables all mankind to have restored relationships with the Father.
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