God has promised, since the day man fell, to send One, who would crush the works of the enemy. It is not God’s desire that man walks in the dark. He has given several ways, times, and events, that reveal his intentions.
He sent another man with a message for the people. The message was about the One, who God was sending.
God exalts this Person, and held him in high esteem. But, he is not someone the people would expect. He would be lowly in life. People would not esteem him. Indeed, people would even consider that he was rejected by God.
But the message specifically says that he was pierced, crushed, and struck down. All this, because of our sins, and transgressions. All of the punishment for our rebellion fell on him.
He did nothing wrong. He did not sin. So, he became the perfect sacrifice for sin. He became the complete sacrifice. When we give our allegiance to Jesus, and the Father, this sacrifice is credited to us. Our account is forever paid in full.
Our lives are changed, because our hearts are changed. Moving to, and growing with, our God-given design becomes full, and satisfying. Sin grows distasteful.
God’s heart is for love, joy, and peace. Sin leads to selfishness, misery, animosity, and commotion. Our relationship with Father is vital, central, and necessary to move us toward God’s heart for us. This act of service, and sacrifice, of this Person was the watershed moment of history. The ability of an individual to recognize it is the watershed moment of that person’s life.