Thursday, April 15, 2021

A New Commandment

After Jesus tells his disciples to remain/abide in him, he tells them to remain/abide in his love. He loves them, just like the Father loves him. But to remain in his love, they need to obey his commands, just as he always obeyed the Father.

And what is his command? To love one another, like he loved them. The command “love your neighbor as yourself” has been around a long time. Jesus called this a new command: “love one another as I have loved you.”

And how did Jesus love? John says, in one of his letters, that Jesus died for the whole world. Not just for the Jews. Not just the religious people.

Jesus died for:

  • his betrayer
  • his executioner
  • the scribes, priest, and Pharisees
  • the barbarians
  • Muslim extremists
  • drug cartels
  • the abortion industry
  • Biden, Trump, Harris, and Pence
  • and, even, Dr. Fauci
  • and for his friends

(And, as I sit here, I am remembering names from the news, that represent selfishness, partisanship, unfairness, hypocrisy, and cruelty. And I realize Jesus died for each person, regardless of who they were, what they stood for, and what they did.)

And how did he love? He was:

  • patient              - slow to judge/condemn
  • kind                  - acted to benefit
  • not arrogant      - did not look down on
  • protects             - covers from the storms
  • believes            - is committed to
  • hopes                - expects the best of, and the best for
  • perseveres        - stays the course
  • and he provided a bridge to a restored relationship with the Father

It is my opinion, the reason Jesus said that the two greatest commandments were to love God, and love people, was because they were the priorities he wanted us to follow.

It can get a little tricky. To love God, we need to obey him. Part of which is, agreeing that some of what people around hold as good and true, is in reality wrong. God declares that these things are evil, and sinful.

Then, with our next breath, the next tick of the clock, we need to show patience, kindness, forbearance, and respect, to these same people. Especially, since, they are now angry with us for pronouncing God's judgment on what they believe, how they live, and what they value.

And isn't that what the cross shows, and demonstrates?

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