Sunday, March 02, 2025

God's Design and Man's Response

 God designed all of life. God designed human beings, a relationship between God and people, and a relationship between people. 

One way of looking at sin: a person thinking, acting, or speaking outside of the design specifications. Moreover, a person could live within the specs, but have the attitude that the Engineer did not make a good design. This person's design was superior to the Engineer's, and this person chooses to live according to their personal design.

Even God's people do not always live by his design specifications.

God's primary spec is love. So, God's people should be especially characterized by love.

Too many of God's people see people living outside of God's specs, and respond with anger.

Love is not happy when people live outside of God's design. Because love wants the best for people, love wants people to embrace God's design. So, love is happy when a person takes a step toward agreement with God's design.

But anger is contrary to patience. Ignoring, or refusing to work for someone else's benefit, is contrary to kindness. Giving up on someone is contrary to hoping all things.

God's people need to agree, and abide in God's design in all matters, and all situations, in thought, internal agreement, and practice.

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