Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Access to the Vine

The problem with metaphors is they can only be carried so far. With a physical vine, there is a physical connection between the vine and the branch. Within the family of God, there is no physical connection. So, what is the connection like? How does it work? And can it improve?

This connection is the basis for any positive effect our lives have in the world. It does not mean that we cannot do any good. It does not stop our positive aspirations or works. But they do not have the zip that causes them to stand out.

All members of God’s family need access to this resource. God pervades every area of life, so His life-energy must pervade every area of life. Moreover, the world and the enemy do not allow lacks of experience, age, temperament, or talent as excuses for minimal effects.

And it must be effective in dealing with any and all situations. This is not wisdom, it is a flavor or aroma that covers all issues and circumstances.

So it must be readily available to all of God’s family. There is no level or maturity, special knowledge or ritual necessary to tap into this resource.

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