Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Vine and Branches

We will return to prayer sometime in the future. I am off on a tangent … sort of.

There is a metaphor that Jesus used to describe what our relationship with Him should be like to produce the type of compelling, attractive life that He is looking for. The metaphor compares He and His family to a vine and its branches.

The fruit of the vine is very beneficial to people in a number of forms: grapes, raisins, and wine. The fruit grows from the branches. The vine does not produce anything. But, if the branch is not connected to the vine, it does not produce anything. All the resources for the branch to create fruit come from the vine. All the resources for the branch to continue to live come from the vine. The connection between to the two is vital.

Jesus is the vine, of course. We are the branches. We are connected to Him, and produce a lifestyle that is abundantly beneficial to the people around us. However, if we are not connected to Jesus, we cannot produce this abundance. Abundance is directly related to the connection.

Without this connection, there can be no fruit. Without this connection, a branch withers.

With the connection, there is an increase in life. The branch grows longer and larger. Leaves are produced. Growth may happen that is actually counter-productive to producing fruit.

What do we think about branches that produce only leaves? All life and energy can be found in the vine. There should be an abundance of fruit. If there is not an abundance, does this mean the connection is inferior? If so, how do we improve it?

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