Friday, April 10, 2020


And Jesus discusses prayer in other ways. Once, we have given our allegiance to Jesus, we become part of his family. And, as his child, we can approach him directly. We come to him through the work of Jesus. But, now we have our own relationship with him.

And Jesus encourages us to go to him with whatever is on our hearts, our needs, and our desires. And because he is our Father, he listens to us. Really listens with 100% focused attention.

And his inclination is to grant whatever we ask. His heart yearns to fulfill whatever is on our hearts.

He obviously does not. A child may yearn intensely to have “gummy worms” every day for dinner. It is actually cruel to grant that request. No matter how much we may like, and want, “gummy worms,” a consistent diet of “gummy worms” does not lead to optimal living.

And our hearts should become like his heart. Jesus told his disciples to pray for more workers in the harvest. How often do we pray this? How often is our hearts aimed at those who do not know him? His heart yearns for in increase of his family. Does ours?

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