Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Jesus received a message from his friends – Mary, Martha, and Lazarus – that Lazarus was very sick. Scripture goes great lengths to inform the readers that Jesus, and these three, have a very close relationship. Yet, Jesus remains where he is, on purpose, for two more days.

Jesus knows that if something is not done, Lazarus will die. He stays because God will move in Lazarus’ life as a powerful demonstration of who he is, and what he can do.

So, Jesus and the disciples return to Bethany. And Mary, and Martha, go to him. They go separately, but they have similar conversations with Jesus. “If you had been here …”

Life, and wholeness, is not derived from a set of rules. Life is derived from a relationship with a person. And to demonstrate that, Jesus has men remove the stone, that covers the tomb. And he calls Lazarus to come back form the dead. And Lazarus walks out of the tomb.

Life, whole, and optimal living do not come from following a system. They come from following a person.

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