Good Friday is the pivot point of the universe. Because the Crucifixion happened on Good Friday. Jesus paid the price for all mankind. Jesus redeemed all people, and the Father began re-building his family.
But it wasn't until Easter that the impact began to be felt by people.
Early Sunday morning, women, who had been following Jesus, gathered spices, and went to the tomb to prepare the body for burial. They couldn't do it before, because it was the beginning of the Sabbath. (To honor the dead, or break God's law -- as they had been taught it.)
But, when they reached the tomb, the stone was rolled away. And two "men," in a bright light, stood there, and told the women: "Go tell his disciples, that he has risen, as he said he would."
And Jesus appeared to various groups:
- To Mary Magdalene.
- To the rest of the women at the tomb.
- To the disciples, without Thomas.
- To the disciples, with Thomas.
- To two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
- To 500 people.
- To the disciples, while they were fishing.
- To the disciples at the Ascension.
The disciples, who fled and hid in fear after the crucifixion, who denied they knew Jesus:
- They boldly stood in a public place, and proclaimed Jesus. 3000 gave their allegiance to Jesus.
- They went to the temple, and healed a man, who had been crippled from birth, in a very public way. And 2000 more gave their allegiance to Jesus.
- They stood in front of the same Jewish leaders, who handed Jesus to Pilate, and proclaimed that Jesus was God's Promised One.
- And, of the Twelve, who all ran for their lives, when Jesus was arrested, only one died of old age. The rest were all martyred, because of their stand for Jesus.
Perhaps, it is the Resurrection that gives people a handhold on faith, enabling all of the inner man to live in agreement, and to allow the Spirit to flow through a man, and be part of impacting the world.
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