In Jesus' final days on earth, he made an appearance to his disciples. He let them touch him. He showed them the scars on his hands. He ate some fish. All of this to assure them, he was not a dream, or a disembodied spirit.
Then, he told them that everything, that had happened, was foretold by prophets: his birth, his ministry, his death, and his resurrection.
Now, every person needed to hear that, if any person chose to change their thinking, decide that God had a better way to think, feel, speak, and act, choose to follow God's way -- give allegiance to the God of creation -- there was forgiveness of sins ... past, present, and future. There was a cancellation of the punishment of sin ... past, present, and future. That person would become part of God's family, and God would begin re-working their lives, so they would live as he had originally designed them to live.
The disciples were not responsible to proclaim this message to everyone. But they were responsible to begin the process. And they were responsible to pass the mission onto those, who choose to follow Jesus. So, each person, who gives his allegiance to Jesus, has a part in advancing his mission, like running in a relay race.
This mission we advance: God is seeking to rebuild his family, by making people, who rebel against him, his children. He wants them to know, to understand, and to experience his love. Those people need only to live in agreement with what God says. Living in agreement with God's word brings love, joy, peace, and all good things.
Jesus, and his disciples, went out of the city, spent time in prayer, and then, he was lifted up, and went back to his Father ... and our Father. The disciples worshiped, and rejoiced.
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