Sunday, May 31, 2020
Whose Lives Matter?
Saturday, May 30, 2020
The Challenge
Early in Jesus’ ministry, one of the Jewish leaders came to Jesus secretly, after dark. His primary question was: when would God’s kingdom be established? Like a lot of Jews, he read his Bible, and he saw Messiah as Reigning King … and missed Messiah as Suffering Servant.
So, Jesus told him, unless he was born a second time, he would not see the Kingdom of God. There are two kinds of life. There is physical life. There is spiritual life. The physical can only reproduce the physical. And only the Holy Spirit can give spiritual life.
People are estranged from God, cut off due to sin. Jesus reminded the leader of a time in Israel’s past, where they rebelled against God. And God sent poisonous snakes among them. But Moses made a bronze snake, and hung it on a pole. Anyone, who was bitten, could look to this “snake on a stick” and God would heal them. There was no medicinal value, or healing properties, in the snake. There was only God’s promise that this would work.
So, because of God’s great love for people, he allowed his son to get hung on a pole. Everyone who looks to the Son, like Israel looked to the snake, will be redeemed from God’s punishment. When we accept what Jesus did for us, and choose allegiance to be followers, we are redeemed from God’s judgment, justified, brought into God’s family, and our spiritual DNA is reseeded. We become new, and different. We have moved from the dark to the light.
Because a person’s inner core now agrees with God’s design, he begins to live in a new way. Some people have a radical metamorphosis. (Caterpillar to butterfly.) Some, because of early decisions, and experiences, are profoundly changed, but don’t look so different on the outside. (Moth to butterfly.) And some, because of early decisions, and experiences, are accepted by Father, Son, and Spirit, but have more difficulty changing lifestyles.
Just, because a person does not look like a butterfly on the outside, does not mean that he\she is not a butterfly. Yes, it is certainly true that they may not be. But, they may be staying in the cocoon longer than others.
I am encouraging all of us to be a little more patient, and kind, with someone, who is more broken from his life experiences, and not expressing Father’s character very well, but whom Father loves just as much as you and I, and who Jesus died for, just as he did for you and I.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Ascension
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Resurrection
- To Mary Magdalene.
- To the rest of the women at the tomb.
- To the disciples, without Thomas.
- To the disciples, with Thomas.
- To two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
- To 500 people.
- To the disciples, while they were fishing.
- To the disciples at the Ascension.
- They boldly stood in a public place, and proclaimed Jesus. 3000 gave their allegiance to Jesus.
- They went to the temple, and healed a man, who had been crippled from birth, in a very public way. And 2000 more gave their allegiance to Jesus.
- They stood in front of the same Jewish leaders, who handed Jesus to Pilate, and proclaimed that Jesus was God's Promised One.
- And, of the Twelve, who all ran for their lives, when Jesus was arrested, only one died of old age. The rest were all martyred, because of their stand for Jesus.
Saturday, May 09, 2020
The Crucifiction
- His mother, who he gave to John to care for her.
- One of the other thieves, who he assured was now in his family.
- The soldiers, and Jews, responsible for his death, to forgive them, and ask his Father to forgive them.
Tuesday, May 05, 2020
The Arrest
After dinner, Jesus led the disciples to a garden to pray. Judas, knowing about the garden, also led soldiers there to arrest Jesus.
Peter took a sword, and attacked one of the servants, cutting off his ear. Jesus ordered Peter to stop, and healed the servant’s ear. Then, the soldiers took Jesus, and led him to the High Priest. And after he had questioned Jesus, he sent him to Pilate.
And after being questioned by Pilate, Pilate saw that he was innocent, and sought to have him released. But the Jews objected. So, Pilate had him flogged, and sought to have him released again. But when the Jews continued to object, in order to avoid a riot, Pilate gave Jesus to the soldiers to be crucified.
After his one act of bravado, Peter grew afraid. He denied he even knew Jesus three times. We will all find ourselves in Peter’s shoes at one time, or another. And we may succeed to stand up for him. And we may fail. But we should all be encouraged by Peter, because Jesus gave him another chance. And Peter made good use of that chance. God used him to bring the first 3000 members of his new family to him. He challenged the Sanhedrin. He brought the first Gentile, non-Jewish, people into God’s family.
God is the God pf second chances. And probably third, and fourth, chances.
I don’t think God gets excited when people are overcome by their failure, and feelings of guilt. If such feelings lead people to seek him, choose allegiance, and become part of his family, that’s good. But, being wrapped up in guilt means our focus is not where it should be. He wants our focus to be on:
- Love – service, sharing his love and good news, encouragement.
- Prayer – worship, praise, for blind eyes to see, for workers, healing.
- Thanksgiving – sonship, salvation, provision, God’s positive activity.