Motives. Motives. Motives. The totality of our lives springs from our hearts. So, the way we live is formed upon our motives. What we desire. What we want to avoid.
Life experiences impact how we think about life. Life experiences impact our motives. Did we fail at something important? Some people never try again. Some people shake their fist at the world and plan to succeed at every cost. Both are agreements about personal worth and how it is attained.
Were we rejected in a relationship? Some people bury themselves in activities ot home or work. Some people charge from place to place seeking an elusive acceptance. Both are agreements about personal worth and how it is attained.
A child comes with a 92 on a test. And Mom wants to know why he did not get a 100. I do not think there is anything wrong with urging children to pursue excellence. But how many come to believe they can never be good enough? One child pursues excellence, because excellence is a worthwhile goal. Another pursues excellence to attain Mom's love and acceptance. And another drops out of school altogether.
How does God wish us to pursue life? Motives affect our relationship with God, and with people. It defines excellence, holiness and success.
People's hearts have been messed up. All people's hearts. There was a movement for inner healing. It was a big spiritual buzzword. Are hearts suddenly all healed? Hearts still need health. Hearts will always need healing in this world. Motives will never be pure. But God knows this. God continues to love and acce;pt. God continues to heal hearts.