For most people, the work of the Kingdom is a mystery. Most farmers do not really understand germination. They do see that once seed is planted, it produces a crop if the soil is good. But they do take advantage of the harvest when it is ready.
God is at work in the unseen areas of life. He plants seed in the soil. It germanates and the roots spread. And in due time, the plant matures and the fruit becomes visible.
We are partners with God in this work. We work to prepare the soil and plant the seed. The process of germination and growing the roots is God's. We cannot see it. We can only wait to see the fruit.
Because we do not see any activity, we often grow impatient. What would you think about someone who planted tomatoes in May, and then roto-tilled the plants back into the ground in June, because there was no fruit? Probably the kindest thing you would think would be that person does not know a lot about growing tomatoes.
The process of Kingdom harvest requires that the workers have the fruit of the Spirit. Love is foremost, because it is water and fertilizer for the new plants. And patience is necessary because we need to wait for the root system to grow sufficiently. And God's timetable is rarely the same as ours.
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