To main the correct the correct positive momentum that Jesus wishes we need to keep tension in three areas.
We need to keep our lifestyles and our world views in agreement with the word of God. We need to keep the written word ever before us. We need to be alert to the word spoken by the Holy Spirit to our hearts.
We need to let the word of god direct and leas us as we simultaneously express ourselves in maintaining loving in maintaining loving relationships and completing God's mission.
If we only pursue one of these areas, we will grow in unhealthy, crippling ways. It will like only eating chicken. Chicken is a good and healthy food. But the human body will sicken and fall apart if it eats only chicken. Worship is good for the Body of Christ. But it will sicken if it only pursues worship.
There are numerous ways we can pursue these three things. People can get hung up (and have gotten hung up) on details that are equal in God's view. What God is more concerned about is that our hearts are focused on obedience in the three.
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