Most followers of Christ agree that we are in the midst of a war. But most of the time, it buzzes around our consciousness and we are not really aware that it's there.
Cannon are firing overhead. Enemy soldiers are trying to flank us. And we turn up the volume of the ball game so we can hear better. (And no ... this is not about ball games.)
We realize that Satan's goal is to steal glory from God, to disrupt his purposes, and to hinder people from learning about him. But we seem to be woefully lacking in understanding about his tactics. We think his aim is the corruption of some big name pastor. We think he wants to take out the celebrity superstar Christians.
As important as that superstar is to Jesus (Jesus died for him too), he is not the vehicle that God will use to accomplish his purposes through. God accomplishes his purposes through his family.
As powerful as some preacher proclaiming the word of God on TV is, a more powerful force is the love of Jesus beaming through the hearts of his sons and daughters.
When God's children walk out the door each morning, they take the Spirit of God with them. they take Jesus into work, to school, to the grocery store and onto the interstate highway system. The people of God have much more impact than pastors do. They rub shoulder with people that pastors will never get close to. They touch more people than pastors do.
Satan knows this. Satan's goal is to make sure that Jesus does not rule your heart. If he can cause a child of God to shift the focus of his heart away from Jesus, he has diminished the likelihood that someone will see the light of God through that person.
He has gotten really good a pushing people's buttons. He will push the lust button. Or he will push the button that replays the video about the most stupid thing you have ever done. Or you biggest disappointment. Or he will remind you of the lie that he had gotten you to agree with. And we have all agreed to some lie, somewhere in our life.
I wonder how many of us have decided that we are so far down the spiritual totem pole, that we are not worth the enemy bothering about.
Where is the Spirit of God? He is in our hearts. The power of God, the love of God and the truth of God all reside in our hearts. All that is necessary is that someone lights the fuze. Maybe we are expecting some big, huge thing to happen. It has to be a 100 megaton H-bomb or it is not God. Yet Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed. The Kingdom of the Lord and Creator of all begins in small things, hidden where no one can see it. But it grows to rule over all.
Satan knows that in each one of God's children is the potential to spark world-wide revival. An act of kindness or service can begin the avalanche than can span the world in the blink of an eye. That's why the heart of each child of the King is important. That's why Satan attack each one of our hearts. That's why God commands us to guard our hearts. That's why spiritual war is ultimately reduced to who has control of a person's heart.
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