Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Transformed Life: Warfare

There are modern movies – “Saving Private Ryan”, “Platoon” – that paint a very graphic, real picture of the horrors of war. Regular people can get a taste of what soldiers lived through, and cannot speak of.

A soldier is called on to withstand pain and hardship to serve a cause greater than himself. And God has called on each of his children to serve as soldiers in his cause.

They cause Jesus-followers serve adds to God’s Kingdom, God’s family and God’s glory. People are filled with love, hope and purpose. God’s bride is filled with greater beauty.

It is a worthwhile cause deserving compete expressions of courage, devotion, concentration, intentionality and creativity. It is a cause that the vast majority of God’s family – myself included – fail to take up sufficiently. They do not have the vision and mind-set of the soldier.

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