Monday, February 19, 2018

The Commission

When we chose to give allegiance to Jesus, it was basically because we were convinced that what he taught was true. Meaning:
  • That his death on the cross was effective to deal with the brokenness of the world. Including my personal brokenness.
  • That he is part of the triune God-head.

Because his death was effective, the penalty for my sin was satisfied. I have peace, a relationship, and fellowship with the God of the Universe.

Because he is part of the God-head, he is Lord and Master of the Universe. He is designer, and creator of the Universe, and all that is in it. Including each, and every, person.

And he is designer, and creator, of a way of life that is in harmony with his character, the nature of people as they should be, which gives him glory, and which gives human beings the most peace and joy.

And he has given us the Scriptures to describe what that way of life should look like. He has given us stories to act as illustrations. He has given us principles to act as guidelines. And he has given us commands to promote specific actions.

It is the commands which usually give us the biggest problems. It is usually assumed that God's commands are universal. That is, everyone should be obeying them. And some of them give people difficulty in believing God wants everyone to obey.

The tithe gives some people trouble. "Love your enemies" is a problem for others. Then, there is the Great Commission.

At the end of Jesus' ministry, as he is just about to ascend to heaven, to return to the Father, he gives the disciples their commission. The commission is:
  • To connect with every people group in the world.
  • To think, speak, and act in such a way that people are convinced to become disciples of Jesus.
  • To baptize them, as a public declaration of that choice.
  • To help these new disciples know, understand, and practice everything Jesus taught … which includes this commission.

Of course, the question that gets asked is: does this really mean everybody who follows Jesus? Is the paraplegic, who can't move anything below his neck, expected to live in a hut among the Digo of south Kenya? Is the 80 year old retiree supposed to learn Chinese, go to Guizhou province, and launch a disciple making movement among the Miao? Surely, those who go have a special gift? Surely, someone needs to stay, and provide funding for those who do go?

Scripture does say that there is only one body of Christ. And as we are all part of this body, each with different functions, we each do complete a different facet of God's mission.

But Scripture also commands all of us to love. Are some of us supposed to provide funding for those specially gifted in patience, to be patient for the rest of us? No, we are all required to practice patience, and kindness. And we are all required to practice all aspects of our commission.

Some focus on the word "Go" in the commission. In the original language, "Go" is a present participle. Which means, it could be translated as "while you are going." We are all going somewhere. We go to work. We go to the store. We go home. We go through life. And we are always living in the middle and probably close to many others, of one of the world's people groups.

The operative part of the commission is: to make disciples of all people groups. We are to live as disciples -- live with Jesus, and walk as Jesus -- so people who are not disciples may learn, understand, and become convinced in their hearts and minds, whether by our words, or by our deeds, (and most likely both) to become disciples of Jesus.

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