Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Sacrificial System

Scripture says that sin breaks the relationship between God and man. People are unable to live out their design. Sin degrades the meaning, and significance, of man’s life. The God-man relationship, which is the main, and essential, factor for meaning and significance is broken.

The Old Covenant said: if someone sins, when they recognize the sin, they should offer a sacrifice to repair the broken God-man relationship.

People sin. Sometimes intentionally. Sometimes unintentionally. But intention does not matter. Any sin breaks the relationship between God and man.

These sacrifices show the seriousness of sin, and the broken relationship. A sacrifice should be made for each sin. And sacrifice is costly. But it is not God’s final solution.

In the Old Covenant, sacrifice was God’s method of dealing with sin. But sacrifice only covers sin. It only hides sin. Man’s sacrifice is not strong enough to satisfy God’s justice. Man’s sacrifice cannot remove sin.

If man’s sacrifice was sufficient, it would completely, and permanently, meet God’s requirements. But, both the giver and the gift are imperfect. But, there is God’s final solution.

NOTE: God gave the Law to reveal to people the completeness of sin. In other words, people cannot say: “Yes, I mess up in this area, but I do pretty good in these areas, and I’m really good in these areas.” In reality, we are broken in all areas.

God gave the sacrificial system to reveal to people the extent of sin. In other words, people cannot say: “Yes, I sin in all areas, but only a little.” In reality, we sin more than we realize, and, certainly, more than we admit.

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