Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Religious Behavior

The religious leaders did not like Jesus, because he did not behave like a religious teacher should. He did not follow their system.

Jesus did have expectations of behavior too. He expected each person to have a relationship with Father. And each one practice it with sincerity, genuineness, and authenticity. He expected each person to live expressing love to other people.

The Pharisees – or, at least, some of them – seemed to make a habit of publicly, and obviously, demonstrating that they kept the system. Were they saying: “All this is not my fault.” ? Or were they saying: “Look how good, noble, devoted, and pious I am.” ?

People don’t do family things to be noticed. People do family things, because they love their family. Because they like to be with, and do things with, their family.

We are part of God’s family. We ought to be with him, because we love him, and he loves us. “Doing our religion” ought to be a demonstration of that love. Giving to meet needs, prayer, worship, fasting – all of these should be natural moves of a heart motivated by love.

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