Monday, June 22, 2020


The gospels are written by four different authors, with four different perspectives, and, maybe, four different intents.

Matthew seems to have written his gospel with the intent of demonstrating that Jesus was indeed the Jewish Messiah.

He begin with -- to most people -- a very boring genealogical list. The Jews believed that the Messiah would be Jewish, from the line of Abraham. They also believed the Messiah would be from the line of David. This genealogy was specifically intended to demonstrate Jesus fulfilled those requirements.

As I understand it, and I may be misinformed, the Jews kept genealogical records. If so, Matthew is giving a place of confirmation, or a place to disprove, his claim. Someone could go through the records and refute the claim that Jesus is the Messiah.

Moreover, he quotes Jesus fulfilling Messianic prophecy. In the section, concerning Jesus' birth, he cites several. Prophecies that Jesus could not manipulate, because he was in his mother's womb at the time.
  • Birth city of Bethlehem.
  • Born of a virgin.
  • Living as a child in Egypt.
  • Slaughter of the innocents.
  • Living in Nazareth.
Someone searched the Scriptures, and counted fulfilled prophecies, concerning Christ's first coming at over 100. And calculated the odd of fulfilling 8, as one out of 10^17. (That's a one followed by 18 zeros.) 

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