Sunday, January 31, 2021


Jesus died on the Cross to satisfy God's justice. So, by faith, we receive the verdict of the Eternal Judge: guilty, but pardoned, because the crime has already been paid for.

And by faith, we stand in grace.

If we are pulled over for speeding, mercy is the policeman does not give us a ticket. Grace is not only does he not give us a ticket, but he pulls his wallet, and gives us $40 to have dinner on him.

If we are pulled over for speeding, and taken before a judge. Justification is the judge saying" "Yeah, you were speeding, but the fine is already paid for." Grace is the judge pulling out his wallet, and giving us $40 to have dinner on him.

God does not just forgive our sins. He brings us into his family. He makes us his heirs. He prepares a place for us in his eternal kingdom. He gives us his presence. He plants new spiritual DNA in our being, so we will be forever changed. God insures that whenever something bad happens in our lives, good will result from it.

Having given our allegiance to Jesus, we are given lives of grace.

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