Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God's Seed : Snatched by Satan

Scripture describes God's Word as living and active. It is a powerful force in people's hearts; and a powerful force for positive change. God's Word obviously includes his written Word. But it also includes his spoken Word.

There are some Christians who believe God ceased communicating when the Scriptures were completed. Or he only speaks through drawing and warming hearts about portions of Scripture. There are others who believe God continues to speak outside of Scripture. He speaks directly to hearts. He speaks directly through events in nature or through others. This "new" speaking does not contradict his written Word. It acts to apply, illustrate or amplify his written Word.

An example of this amplification speech is when he invites people who do not know him to begin a relationship with him. He is always inviting people to join him. This invitation is very important. Something must stir in a person's heart -- perhaps a person who has ignored God or had no regard for anything spiritual or religious -- to give serious thought about such a relationship. Something must wake the person up to the possibilities.

The last thing Satan wants is a person's heart stirred up to the possibility that God's promise off love and abundant living might just be true after all. Any communication God gives, Satan quickly works to stamp it out. He confuses. He overwhelms God's invitation so a person's heart on anything and everything but what God is trying to say. And if Satan is successful, the invitation is forgotten. 

Does Satan seek to snatch God's Word from the heart of someone already walking with God?

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