Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Paul's Prayer (3)

And Paul prays for anther part of God’s family. Another man has motivated a group of people to give their allegiance to Jesus, and the news has reached Paul about the birth of this new part of God’s family.

So, Paul prays that they might have complete knowledge of God’s will, in wisdom and understanding. Whole books have been written about knowing God’s will, with processes of discernment and verification.

Christianity is a relationship with the Living God, Creator, and Father of all. And it is important to know the right path, how to walk in it, and how to be able to cooperate fully physically, mentally, and spiritually with God’s will. But God’s will is not a long list of check boxes. “Check box” living, and thinking, is not relationship; it is religion.

If we know, and understand, God’s will, we can make decisions that honor, and please, God. We will produce good fruit. We will grow in knowing him. We will create patterns in our lives, that agree with his design.

But the heart of his design is love. Where is the check box for responding in patience, when someone cuts you off on the Interstate? Where is the check box for expecting, and wanting, God to work positively, to work miracles, for those who hate him.

The core of Christianity is: God dying for rebels, traitors, rapists, and murderers as well as, those of us, who are just self-centered, and error-prone because he loved each one of them, and that they might become family. His family.

Check boxes might be necessary to get things rolling. God is for discipline. But a changed nature is better. Love flowing from people, as naturally, as easily, and as habitually, as breathing.

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