Friday, October 13, 2006

Building Blocks 4: The Enemy's Strategy

Of course, the enemy has a strategy too. And it’s pretty simple. Counteract God’s strategy. Try to keep people connected to the world system and separate from God.

The enemy tries to insulate people from moral failure. Popularize various types of relativism. And if anyone is confronted with moral failure, provide all sorts of excuses.

Encourage a focus on mediocre living. Promote excitement or entertainment. Introduce a flurry of ideas that promise peace, meaning and fulfillment. Above all, distract them from God’s solution.

If God wants to draw people’s attention to the extraordinary lives of his family, then crush God’s family. Throw every sort of temptation, trap and obstacle in their way. When they do stumble, wave that failure like a banner. Use sirens and klieg lights. Never let them forget it.

If they should demonstrate authentic living, stress any departure from that life. For example, God wants his people to show peace. Underline and highlight any instance of anxiety.

If God’s family should live in love and unity, stress any and all distinctions. Stress the most insignificant differences. Promote friction and grudge holding.

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