Monday, June 04, 2012

Kingdom - 9

A man came to Jesus and asked him what he must do to inherit eternal life.

First, we ought to point out that he asked what he should do. Jesus’ basic answer was that he should obey the Law. But the whole tacking of Jesus is that no one can keep the Law. People only attain eternal life by going through the bridge that Jesus created on the cross.

The man said he had kept the Laws. Was there anything else? We have just said that no one can keep the Laws. Did the man set the bar low enough for him to easily manage it? It is possible to do that.

Jesus responded “to be complete” sell you possessions and give the proceeds to the poor. Now, the man was pretty rich. The problem was not that the man had lots of possessions. The problem was that those possessions controlled the man. The heart of the man was caught up in those possessions.

God designed man to have a relationship with him. One that connects man’s heart with God’s heart. Nothing should interfere with this connection. A person with many possessions can connect with those possessions first, giving them priority over his connection with God.

This man valued his relationship with God. But He valued his possessions more.

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