Friday, July 12, 2019


Paul reminds us of a passage from the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah proclaims that God will reign over  the gentiles, and they will put their hope in God. Scripture says that there are only three things that will last forever: faith, hope, and love. Of these, the least talked about is hope. Most people regard hope as wishful thinking.

Love is taking small bits of ourselves, our time, our energy, and resources, and giving them away. Faith is holding Father’s words, and treating them as true truth. And hope, in the Scriptures, is more than wishful thinking. Hope is holding Father’s words about the future, and treating them as true truth.

Human beings live in the present, but they yearn for the future. They seems to live better, if there is something positive to work towards.

Scripture says that God created people with eternity in their hearts. People were designed with this space in their cores, and a motivation to fill that space. It is a soul hunger for meaning, significance, fulfillment, and rest. It is a signal that something is missing.

There could be a number of things missing. In some parts of the world, it is rest provided by security, safety, and enough to eat. For others, it is coming to that unique place that only they can fill. Ultimately, it is relationship with Father. The hole in our hearts cannot really be filled, unless we find a way back to the Father.

So, Paul prays: as we choose allegiance, because we trust Father, and Jesus, becoming a son, part of his family, accepted, forgiven, redeemed, then joy, and peace, will fill the emptiness. The Holy spirit makes his home in our core, teaching, encouraging, and connecting us to the Father’s love, and grace, and enabling us to move into the future with confidence.

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