Friday, July 19, 2019


The core of Christianity is: God dies to demonstrate his love for rebels, and sinners, and prepare a way for the selfish, the hateful, and the arrogant to become a part of his family.

God’s purposes were not just to provide a “get out of jail free” card. God has invited each person to share life with him. He has invited each person into restoration, living life as designed, and partnership, representing him with proclamation, and demonstration, of his message.

God’s mission is the increase, and restoration, of his family, and his kingdom. And Jesus demonstrated the means to accomplishing his mission:
  • Proclaim truth.
  • Practicing love.
  • Inviting God to act in every circumstance.
  • Giving thanks for all of God’s gifts.
  • A life of obedience. 
What would be an impossible task, if it were not for God’s active involvement. But we also need to remember God’s invitation. If he did not think we were sufficient for the work, he would have chosen a different way. Yes, he works to complete us, but we are enough, just as we are.

The fact that he died for us, and told us to go, shows that we are enough. The fact that he chose twelve ordinary men to start his revolution, shows that we are enough.

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