Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Inverting Maslow's Hierarchy?

The psychologist, Abraham Maslow, proposed a hierarchy of needs.
  1. Physiological -- food, water, air
  2. Safety -- protection, shelter, resources
  3. Love\belonging --  acceptance,family, friends
  4. Esteem -- worth, confidence, respect
  5. Self-actualization -- meaning, creativity, beauty
It is generally accepted that unless the lower level needs are met the person will not move beyond that level. A person will not seek for beauty or creativity if he is hungry. But I am wondering if the reverse is also true. One of the effects of poverty is a loss of self-esteem. The rationale goes like this: "We’re poor. We’re stuck here. There is no way out for us. Life will never get better." Does the loss of respect, confidence and the recognition of personal worth affect the pursuit of food, water, protection and shelter?

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