Thursday, April 04, 2013

One of Us

“Being with” wasn’t enough. So, God took the next step and became “One of” us.

“With” did not quite work. Israel’s roller coaster life in Judges, that I mentioned in the last post, demonstrates that. Israel believed that God being with them, in his covenants, in the Law, in the temple, was sufficient. But they continually chose not to walk with him, even though he continually demonstrated he was for and with them.

So, God chose to go one step further. He became one of them.

As “one of,” he could sympathize more fully. He could be an example. He could touch lives by drawing near, feeding, encouraging, and healing. As “one of,” people could see God in a way that is more clear, vivid and real than any way that had ever been done before.

And as “one of,” he could be man’s ultimate and final representative before the judgment seat of God. He received judgment for our sin, though he did not sin.

This, he made the final step of identification with people. And he made the final step of provision for people.

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