Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Be The Church (Sin) - II

There are people in Jesus' family who believe that if they continue to sin (and usually, it is one particular sin) God will reject and condemn them. 

First, we started sinning the day we were born. And we will continue to sin until we die. And God knew this would happen from the beginning.

Second, God is always active to promote his glory. Part of that is getting his people to live as he designed them to live. To live as the Bible says.
  • He speaks to us to promote right behavior.
  • When a wrong thought or desire is introduced into our hearts and minds, he speaks to us to turn us back to him.
  • When we entertain these wrong thoughts or desires, he speaks to us to turn us back to him.
  • And if we fail, he speaks to us to turn us back to him.
God continues to speak to us. Sometimes, he whispers into our hearts. Sometimes, he highlights a verse in the Bible. Sometimes, he relays a message through another person.

The main point to realize is: God continues to speak to us. And as long as he continues, he still expects to achieve his glory through us.

He is serious about sin -- one does not get any more serious than the death of Jesus -- but he is not surprised or dismayed by it.

The devil gains advantage if we sin.  And the devil gains advantage if we get hung up by our sin.  If we focus on sin, we are not focused on God's glory, obedience, faith, love and grace. And so, God does not receive glory. And we do not live as we are designed.

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